Monday, January 25, 2010

Straker's article

The use of technology by children is evident in today's society for we see it from cell phones to ipods, even video and music downloads. Interestingly, this article provides a theory to the importance of children and their uses of technology. Though I may disagree with some of the positive and negative effects, evidence in this article supports those factors that were stated. I have found it to be sufficient for students to be introduced to materials at the earliest age as possible, followed by in-dept instruction and validated with assessments that measures the strengths and weaknesses of children. As this article implies, cognitive and social development are enhanced dramatically. Unfortunately, children in some communities will not have the same opportunities because of socio-economic values. Also, wise computer use by children will allow students to learn technological skills and be monitored for misbehavior on internet sites. As long as students are learning proactively, I support the materials and the methods that are being taught. I think that this article suggests many good ideas, however, not in agreement with the positive and negative effects.

The "Prensky" article suggests many students born in this technological age are capable of learning successfully. The problem seems to be that the methods of teaching and learning have changed dramatically. With the wide use of the internet, I find it to be extremely beneficial and necessary for new methods to be implemented so that students may learn new methods for learning. Teachers and instructors that are not apt to new teaching methods in technology should take or re-take technological classes to enhance their capabilities. This article makes great points and seems to be taking pioneering steps toward the way education will be in the future. For the most part, many students are taking classes online, in which, will allow them to learn and produce assignments through the internet. The largest campus in the US is the University of Pheonix Online. With that said, it is imperative to understand and appreciate the way the new methods of learning will be implemented. Though the language is new to me, it makes sense tome. Afterall, that is the reason why I am taking this class.

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